Badminton Muscle Groups
Badminton players need to possess a variety of fitness capabilities to be successful. Cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, agility, power and strength are all desirable traits that can be developed with regular training. Strength training for badminton should be as sports specific as possible, and your program should reflect the demands of your sport while still leaving sufficient time and energy for playing practice.
The Strength Demands of Badminton
Strength, according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, can be categorized in a number of ways: absolute strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can develop; strength endurance refers to the ability to perform a high volume of sub-maximal contractions without fatigue; and speed strength, which is better known as power, is strength expressed at speed.
Strength-Training Modalities
You can develop strength endurance and speed strength by using a variety of strength-training equipment. Free weights such as dumbbells, barbells and kettle bells, resistance-training machines, rubber resistance bands, medicine balls and body weight exercises are all effective strength-training modalities.
Strength Training
Regardless of the type of strength training you perform, begin each workout with some light cardio and stretching to warm up, and finish each workout with more stretching to minimize muscle soreness and promote flexibility.